Its today.
My eyes are tired and I have a mean caffeine hangover from the 10 diet cola's and 1 redbull I drank last night.
Bang bang bang. The floor is shaking and these earplugs don't absorb the heavy bass that's booming from my walls.
I'm sick of shitty apartments and shitty jobs.
My landlord is renovating her house on the weekends.
She leaves on the weekend so she doesn't have to listen to this shit.
I got home from Maine at 330 am and the banging stared at 9. Its pretty disruptive of sleep! Other than that I like this apartment. Its small, but its boat living baby. I live on a boat. Its a boat built on the ground a quarter mile from the ocean and attached to a house. Ok its a small apartment but I pretend its a boat.
Had a show in Portland Maine last night at Geno's Rock Club.
I'm told that the club is in the old time red-light district, although there are no more strip clubs or hookers. Portland's got a cool scene as far as the strip there on Congress Street goes. They have an art gallery and live music can be heard outside on the street in the distance.
Since I was playing in Maine I left in the morning and headed up to Ogunquit to visit my friends Ben, his fiance` Caitlan and his mom Isabel. I have cool interesting friends.
Ben and his mom are both talented photographers and Caitlan is an incredible painter.
Bens mom Isabela is also the towns leading enviornmentalist and has done alot of work in those parts to save some creatures and some beauty. They live in this big barn. It was actually built like a barn, but was never used as barn. Its also built right in front of their old house, which is now falling apart and covered by brush, its gotta be cool to look in your backyard and see a house covered by brush. In the middle of the floor up to the watch tower is a space that opens up for ventalation. It also looks really cool. The house is covered in Art. Its everywhere. Its also full of instruments and other random neat things. They should charge admission to go in there and poke around. So I made it there around 1, we had some lunch and headed to the beach, which is conveniantly located about 60 seconds away by foot. Its pretty crowded there, but a nice beach. Walked around, got some sun had me some soft served. Saw a lifeguard rescue 2 people who were getting swept away by a mean current, and then headed back to the crib. Ben cooked up his special chicken we bought some fresh corn and had a little feast in the yard under some heavy tree coverage. With the bottle of wine on the table, cigarette smoke and general bohemian atmosphere I fealt like I was in France. I have never been to France, but its how I imagine it. Grateful for the visit with my friends and with a full belly I jumped in the car and took off for Portland.
Portland was great because every time I play there it is 5 degrees. Its nice to go up there in the summer when everyone isn't frozen or locked inside.
I was on the bill with Lost Cause Desperado's and All Night Chemist. I enjoyed both of their sets.
I played with Penny on drums and I have to say we kicked ass. Was a great set, great sound and a cool crowd. We had some dancing girls cutting up the rug to the last 3 songs(Angel in The Snow,Don't Terrorize Me and Black Man). Its pretty cool seeing people dance to those songs! I hung around for the night and headed out around 1230, stopped for a greassy burger down by the water and hit the road. I dragged my tired ass into bed at around 4 and here I am. Its bang bang bang banging on the floor.
Next weekend MY APARTMENT is getting renovated and I'm going back up to maine for a couple of days.